Section 1

The Employer will assign work in accordance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations and the Employer's needs and operational goals.

Section 2

Work assignments will be consistent with an employee's position description, and if the Employer assigns other work, it normally shall have a reasonable relationship to the employee's official position description.  If it becomes necessary to assign work that is not reasonably related to the employee's official position description and it is of a recurring nature, the employee's position description shall be amended to reflect such work assignments.  The phrase "other duties as assigned" in a position description will not be used regularly to assign work where the work is not reasonably related to the employee's position description.

In assigning work to an employee, the Employer will consider such factors as workload, manageability of workload, employee qualifications and experience, relationship of the assignment to existing work assignments, time limits, emergencies, or any unique factors related to the task to be accomplished.

The Employer will not assign or deny work assignments to reward or penalize an employee, but in accordance with the factors described above.

If an employee is directed or required to work beyond normal duty hours to complete assigned work or meet deadlines, the Employer and the employee will comply with Article 10 (Overtime and Compensatory Time).

Section 3

An employee may request a meeting with their immediate supervisor to discuss the employee's request for a workload adjustment.  If the immediate supervisor agrees that a change is appropriate, they will make a reasonable effort to adjust work assignments, prioritize work assignments, and/or adjust time frames.  The Employer also may consider whether overtime should be ordered and approved to meet the employee's workload.