
5/6/12: During NTEU's national steward training conference last week, several Chapter 293 leaders were recognized for their leadership roles over this past year. Among the recipients of these awards were Enforcement Attorney Dee O'Hair and Compliance Examiner Judy Kotula in the Chicago Regional Office.

Dee was recognized for her work on Chapter 293's Legislative Committee. As a member of that committee, she and several other SEC employees traveled to Washington, D.C. for NTEU's 2012 Legislative Conference, where they helped to deliver a strong message on the Hill to support the SEC's critical mission. As you know, despite a tough climate in which many agencies' budgets were reduced, the SEC received a substantial increase in the FY 2012 budget.

Judy, who was not able to attend the conference, was honored for her work representing employees as a steward in the Chicago Regional Office.

"The employees in the CHRO should be very proud to have among them such talented individuals who are volunteering their time and energy to make a positive contribution to improving the agency," Chapter 293 President Greg Gilman recently said. "I know that I am very proud of my association and work with Judy and Dee."