
5/6/12: During NTEU's National Steward Training Conference last week, several Chapter 293 leaders were recognized for their important work for SEC employees over this past year. Among the recipients of Leadership Awards was OIA attorney Michael Moore.

During the past year, Michael has continued to serve with distinction as Chapter 293's Chief Steward, coordinating the work of numerous other Union leaders in Headquarters. He was recognized for his work on a myriad of disciplinary cases at the SEC. As a direct result of his important work for SEC employees, the Union has been able to continue to ensure fundamental fairness in the disciplinary process, even as the number of such cases has continued to rise.

In his role as Chief Steward, Michael has been working on important projects that have a substantial impact upon SEC employees across the country. "OIA employees should be very proud to have among them such a talented individual who is volunteering his time and positive energy to make a substantive contribution to improving the agency," Chapter 293 President Greg Gilman recently said. "I know that I am personally very proud of my association and work with Michael."