5/6/12: During NTEU's National Steward Training Conference last week, several Chapter 293 leaders were recognized for their important work on national programs this past year. Among the recipients of these Leadership Awards was Joyce Segura of OIT.
Joyce was recognized for her participation on Chapter 293's national Collective Bargaining Team. That team is currently negotiating with management over our basic Union contract at the SEC, which addresses a wide range of employee programs and rights, including telework and alternative work schedules.
In addition, Joyce has also represented SEC employees in Headquarters on a number of other issues, including office reorganizations and restructurings.
Joyce has worked on projects that continue to have a substantial impact upon SEC employees across the country.
"The employees in OIT should be very proud to have among them such a talented individual who is volunteering her time and energy to make a positive contribution to improving the agency," Chapter 293 President Greg Gilman recently said. "I know that I am very proud of my association and work with Joyce."