Michael K. Nally

Philadelphia Regional Office
(215) 597-3321
Michael is a Staff Accountant in IA/IC in the Philadelphia Regional Office. He serves as a PLRO steward.
Patricia Ann Kuzma Trujillo

Executive Board member | Steward
Philadelphia Regional Office
(215) 597-3189
Patricia is a Senior Counsel for the Enforcement Division in the Philadelphia Regional Office. She serves as the PLRO Representative to the Executive Board and as a Steward. She also filed a grievance and secured the first arbitration victory upholding the rights of enforcement attorneys under the CBA to a recurring telework schedule. Before joining the Commission staff, Patricia was a litigation attorney for over 10 years at law firms in Pennsylvania and California. She received a B.S., with honors, in economics and political science from Colorado State University and her J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center.