House Subcommittee Markup on Federal Pay Raise


6/17/08: The House Appropriations Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee today approved a 3.9% pay raise for federal civilian employees in 2009. This is a full 1 percent higher than the administration's proposed increase of 2.9%. NTEU has been working hard for the 3.9% increase.

This action is an important step in achieving parity in next year’s pay raise for both members of the military and those in the federal civilian workforce. In approving the Defense Authorization bill in May, the House approved a 2009 raise of 3.9 percent for those in the military. Today’s action by the Financial Services Subcommittee in its markup is well-deserved recognition of the continuing contributions of both groups of federal employees, and of the need for a fair and competitive pay raise to recruit and retain talented, dedicated men and women.

In response to this action by the subcommittee, Rep. Steny Hoyer (D. Md.) stated, "One of the most effective ways to recognize the important contributions of all our federal employees -- and also increase the attractiveness of a career in public service -- is through pay that reflects the value of the work and services they provide this nation and its citizens."

The full committee will consider the federal pay raise when it considers the appropriations bill on June 24. NTEU will continue to work hard to see that the 3.9% percent raise becomes a reality.